Karibu! The importance of Swahili seems to be growing these days. There are quite a few Swahili words in common use. Words like safari (journey), jenga (to build) and simba (lion). Or Hakuna matata (don´t worry)! The last two of course from the 1994 movie Lion King.
A good site to find out more about Swahili is http://www.yale.edu/swahili/ It contains a large dictionary and looking for words there makes you realize how popular this language really is. There is a lot of good information in en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Swahili_language. Here are all the weekdays for starters - from Mercury Dictionary (in a simpilified way, you can get the full contents here), Swahili is written in ochra:
By the way, karibu means welcome!
By the way, karibu means welcome!
Sunday sunnuntai pühapäev söndag søndag søndag sunnudagur Sonntag dimanche domingo domingo domenica diēs Sōlis Κυριακή воскресéнье Jumapili nichiyoobi
Monday maanantai esmaspäev måndag mandag mandag mánudagur Montag lundi lunes segunda-feira lunedí diēs Lūnae Δευτέρα понедéльник Jumatatu getsuyoobi
Tuesday tiistai teisipäev tisdag tirsdag tirsdag þriðjudagur Dienstag mardi martes terça-feira martedi diēs Mārtis τρίτη втóрник Jumanne kayoobi
Wednesday keskiviikko kolmapäev onsdag onsdag onsdag miðvikudagur Mittwoch mercredi miércoles quarta-feira mercoledi diēs Mercuriī Τετάρτη средá Jumatano suiyoobi
Thursday torstai neljapäev torsdag torsdag torsdag fimmtudagur Donnerstag jeudi jueves quinta-feira giovedi diēs Iovis Πέμπτη четвéрг Alhamisi mokuyoobi
Friday perjantai reede fredag fredag fredag föstudagur Freitag vendredi viernes sexta-feira venerdi diēs Veneris Παρασκευή пятница Ijumaa kinyoobi
Saturday lauantai laupäev lördag lørdag lørdag laugardagur Samstag samedi sábado sábado sàbato diēs Sabbatī\Sāturnī Σάββατο суббóта Jumamosi doyoobiPS. The Japanese kanji are not shown in the blog at the moment.